How to install VMware Tools in windows (2016/2019) core servers.

Windows Server (2016/2019) is a stripped down version of server operating system. Since its a stripped down version, There is no graphical interface for this servers. So installing any software on this servers might be bit tricky. 

Windows server core in ESXi/Vsphere virtual machine with VMware tools. But its recommended to have up-to date VMware tools installed to utilise advanced features. 

Let see how to install tools without graphical window. 

I have a Windows server 2019 core VM, No VMware tools installed. 

1. Login to ESXi or Vcenter web console, Mount Vmware tools CD ISO image by selecting Gues OS > Install VMware Tools. 

2. Launch VM console or access Server using RDP.  Run DISKPART command in command prompt. 
Execute " List Vol" Command in DISKPART prompt to identify VMware tools CD driver letter. 
In my case its Volume 0 and Drive "D". 

3. Exit from DISKPART and change directory to E drive. 

4. Run Setup.exe from command prompt.  

5. This will start " VMware Product Installation" graphic window. 

Note : Sometimes setup window might be hidden behind command prompt window. In that case minimise command prompt windows, Now you should be able to see setup window. 

6. Now proceed with vmware tools setup as-usual and reboot VM. 

7. Successfully installed VMware Tools. 

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